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Crashworthiness - A Primer

Crashworthiness Dangers

when to consider
what is a crashworthiness case
how to recognize
well known defects
other potential cases
final questions
what to do now

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During the past several years, widespread publicity on Ford Explorers and Firestone tires has rekindled interest in information and knowledge of crashworthiness litigation.

For the lawyer, who may be faced with a catastrophic injury or death arising in any one of many types of automobile crashes, it is important to remember that Explorer-Firestone issues are only the tip of the iceberg of the kinds of automotive defects that may confront the practicing lawyer.

The purpose of this paper is to briefly summarize some of the more well-known and widespread automotive defects which the practicing lawyer may see, to present pointers on how to recognize potential causes of action that should not be overlooked, and to point out actions that should be taken immediately to preserve the client's rights.

This is not an exhaustive listing of known automotive defects, and one must be aware of the possibility of previously unrecognized defects in any given event.

But, for the general practice lawyer, or anyone not specializing in crashworthiness and automotive defect litigation, it is not necessary to be able to make the final determination that a crashworthiness case does or does not exist in a given situation. The first question is ­ Is this a potential crashworthiness case? We hope the information on these pages will help to answer that critical question, and the second, related question ­ What do I do with it?


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Perry & Haas does not offer any guarantee of case results.
Past success in litigation does not guarantee success in any new or future lawsuit.
Our web site describes some of the cases that the attorneys of Perry & Haas have worked on in the past.

Our description of those cases is summary in nature.

You should be aware that the results obtained in each of the cases we have worked on was dependent on the particular facts of each case. The results of other cases will differ based on the different facts involved.